career maps

Interactive career maps: Visualise career paths to improve staff retention

From the conversations we have with our clients in the HR world, we know that HR leaders are constantly seeking solutions to address the challenges of talent retention and employee engagement. 

But sometimes they don’t realise there are slightly more innovative, slightly less traditional solutions to their challenges that can help them smash their objectives.

Enter interactive career maps, a transformative tool designed to visualise and enhance internal mobility.

Enhancing internal mobility isn’t just a trend – it’s a strategic necessity. By understanding the internal mobility journey, HR leaders can pinpoint and address potential challenges, leading not only to increased employee satisfaction and retention but also to optimised talent development. 

This ensures that employees are not only retained but are also equipped and primed for their new roles. 

Not only that, but a streamlined internal mobility process translates to operational efficiency, resulting in swift role transitions and significant savings on recruitment costs. 

If you’re an HR leader aiming to revolutionise your approach to talent management and operational efficiency, using interactive career maps should be something you seriously consider.


Defining interactive career maps

At its core, an interactive career map is a detailed visual representation of an employee’s potential career trajectory within an organisation. 

It’s not just a static diagram; it’s a dynamic tool that offers insights into key milestones, training opportunities, and potential roles an employee can aspire to depending on different skills, disciplines and specialisms.


The creation process: collaboration is key

Data Collection: Begin by gathering comprehensive data on current roles, responsibilities, and progression paths. Understand the skills and experiences required at each stage.

Stakeholder Collaboration: Engage with team leaders, HR professionals, and employees. Their insights will ensure the map is both accurate and aspirational.

Design Phase: Utilise digital tools or collaborate with design specialists to craft an engaging and intuitive visual. Remember, the map should be user-friendly for all, regardless of their design expertise.

Regular Updates: The corporate landscape is ever-changing. Regularly review and update the map to reflect organisational shifts and employee feedback.


Who should be at the table?

HR Professionals: They offer insights into career progression, training modules, and employee aspirations.

Department Heads: Their expertise provides clarity on role-specific requirements and potential growth trajectories.

Employees: Their feedback ensures the map is grounded in reality and addresses genuine career aspirations.

Design Professionals: Their feedback ensures the map is grounded in reality and addresses genuine career aspirations.


Benefits of embracing interactive journey maps

Retention Boost: When employees visualise a clear future within the company, they’re more likely to stay.

Enhanced Training: By identifying skill gaps, HR can tailor training programmes to prepare employees for future roles.

Employee Morale: A transparent career path makes employees feel valued and understood.

Strategic HR Planning: The map aids HR in forecasting future hiring needs and training modules.


How the journey may look

Awareness: The employee becomes aware of potential opportunities within the organisation.

Consideration: The employee evaluates the new role, its requirements, and potential benefits.

Application: The employee formally applies for the new position.

Selection: Interviews, assessments, and feedback sessions take place.

Onboarding: The employee transitions to the new role, undergoing training and integration.

Growth: The employee grows in the new role, seeking further opportunities and challenges.



Examples of employee career maps for internal mobility

Tasty Careers Map

Click here

Heineken Career Map

Click here

IHEEM Career Map

Click here

Interactive career maps are more than just a visual tool – they represent a strategic commitment to employee growth and internal mobility. 

As HR leaders, the opportunity to innovate and elevate the employee experience lies before us. Let’s seize it.

Written by Chris Lea